Medicines Register

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Setting Approval Access

Medical Activities can only be approved by staff with "Medicines Register Approval" access. This can be set using the staff settings page available here:

More than one staff member can be given permission to approve the medicines administered. A full audit trail is kept whenever this permission is switched On/Off for a particular member of staff.

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Approving Medical Records

Medical Activities can be approved using the "Medical Register" page available under the "Management" menu item:


Records are approved using the following process:

  1. Select the record you wish to approve using the far right column
  2. Tick the checkbox confirming the current selection is correct
  3. Click "Approve Selected Items"

Once the item has been approved the checkbox will turn a light-grey colour and the item will no longer be editable.

You can hover over the Approved checkbox to see who Approved the entry and when it occurred.

The following rules apply to medicines that have been Approved:

  1. A medical entry cannot be amended or deleted.
  2. A horse cannot be deleted if they have at least one Approved medical entry.
  3. Entries will show as 'Approved' along with the date on the Medicines Register.

Medical Register

The Medicines Register generated from EquisoftLive is an IHRB sanctioned document.

It's format is based on a copy of the Medicines Register supplied by IHRB.

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It is available under the "Activity Reports" section:

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