Stallion Contracts

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Main Grid View

Contracts - Main Grid View

The Contracts page displays all Applications and Nominations for all Stallions. There are 4 selection filters on top of the page – Stallion, Type, Season and Hemisphere.

By default, all stallions will be displayed and all contracts (Applications and Nominations). The default Season is the current season and both hemispheres will be selected by default. Changing these selections will reload the grid to filter by selected Stallion, Type, Season or Hemisphere. The grid selections can be reset by clicking the Clear button.

The grid will display contracts with the following columns – Season, Stallion, Number, Purchaser (Principal), Mare, Status, Fee, Type and Terms. The share percentage for the Purchaser can quickly be checked by hovering over the blue information icon to the right of their name, displaying all Purchasers of the Contract. Unregistered mares will be highlighted with bold italic text.

The grid will display contracts with the following background colours so contract type can be easily identified and compared:

  • Green: Applications
  • Red: Nominations

Below the grid a set of tables of statistics of Applications, Nominations, Breeding Status and Billing Status will be displayed.

These statistics can be used to quickly filter the grid by clicking on any the displayed items to exclude it from the selection. The clicked item will be displayed with a red strikethrough any applicable Apps/Noms will be filtered from the grid. clicking the item again to remove the strikethrough will include these Apps/Noms in the grid again.

Details View

To view more detailed information of each contract, click its record on the grid and the contract details will be displayed. Here, you will see the details split into 2 tabs – ‘Contract Details’ and ‘Additional Info’.

  • Contract Details: This tab is divided into 4 sections – Mare Details, Main Details, Purchasers and Fee.
  • Additional Info: This tab is divided into 3 sections – Additional Details, Additional Info and Notes.

Contract Details

The Contract Details Tab contains the main details relating to the Contract.

Contracts Details

Mare Details

Under this section, you can set the Status, Nomination and Mare.

  • Status: By default, this dropdown lists 11 options – 1 for blank/empty, 5 Application statuses (On List, Approved, Reserve, Not Accepted and Cancellation) and 5 Nomination Statuses (N/A, Requested, Sent, Received and transferred).Items can be removed, changed or added to this list in the Contract Settings page under the status section (Settings > Contracts > Status).
  • Application/Nomination: If the Status selected above is an Application status, the requested slot number can be entered into this input. If the Status selected is a Nomination status, a search icon will become visible beside the input. Clicking on this will open a list of current Nominations with Contract Numbers, Mare, Status and Fee. To change/allocate the contract to one of these slots, simply select one of the Nominations Numbers and this will update the record.
  • Mare: Select a mare to associate with the contract. The mare should be chosen from the system so that it is registered. To add a mare from the system, click the search icon to the right of the input and select a mare from the list. If the mare does not exist in the system, the name can be entered simply by typing it into the input box. If a registered Mare has been selected then further details relating to the Mare is displayed including Date of Birth, Sire, Dam and Current Breeding Status.

Main Details

This section contains details of Nomination Type, Nomination Terms, Contract Sent, Return By, Received and Returned As.

  • Nomination Type: Variable list of nomination types which can be edited in the settings window. The system will determine if the Contract is to be invoiced based on the Nomination Type selected and whether it has been setup to be invoiced. These can be set up on the Settings Screen (Settings > Contracts > Types). See Stallion Settings -> Contract Types for more information.
  • Nomination Terms: This is the Contract terms. These can be set up on the Settings Screen (Settings > Contracts > Terms). See Stallion Settings -> Contract Terms for more information. This item will be automatically set to match the default setting in the Stallion Detail page when creating a new contract. If this value is changed back in the Stallion Details page after the contract has been created, it will need to be manually updated here also.
  • Contract Sent: Specify the date the contract was sent.
  • Return By: Specify the date that the contract should be returned by.
  • Received: Specify the date the contract was received.
  • Returned As: Specify whether the contract was returned as an Email, Fax, Original or A Scanned Copy.


These details are displayed in a grid with Account Name and Invoice Percentage. To add/remove a purchaser or change invoice simply click the ‘Edit’ button. A new purchaser can be selected by clicking ‘Add Owner’. This will display a list of all owners in the system to select from. Once satisfied with the selection and details, press save to update the contract.

Alternatively, the user can use the 'Use Mare Owners' button quickly add the Mare's Owner(s) as the Purchaser(s) of the Nomination. This can only be used if a Registered Mare has been selected from the system.


Fee details are displayed including the Nomination Fee, Due (Fee Due Date) and VAT%. These values will be automatically set to the defaults set on the Stallion Record upon creation of a new contract.

The VAT% amounts which appear in the dropdown can be set in Settings -> Billing Lists -> TAX Codes.

Split Fee Nominations

Split Fee Nomination are determined based on the Contract Term selected on the Nomination. If the Contract Term settings have the 'Split Fee' setting selected then the Fee 2 field will be displayed. See Stallion Settings -> Contract Terms for more information.

If a default amount for ‘Fee 2’ has been entered on the Stallion Record, this will also be automatically set on the Contracts page when created. If split billing is required, it is important to have these set before the contract is created in order for the correct default values to be set.

Additional Info

Additional Info

Additional Details

The first section in the ‘Additional Info’ tab is the ‘Additional Details’ section. Here, there are 2 settings – POM Received and Use Agent.

  • POM Received: Tick this checkbox to indicate if the Particulars of Mare (POM) have been received from the Purchaser.
  • Use Agent: Tick this checkbox if an agent is to be used. If selected 2 additional fields will be displayed where the user can select the Agent and a Commission %.

Additional Info

Initially this section has only a single checkbox to indicate if a Barren Cert has been received for a Mare. Tick this checkbox to indicate if there is a barren cert.

If ticked, then the user will be presented with additional information fields to be filled in including:

  • Date: The date of the Barren Cert.
  • Received: The date that the Barren Cert was received.
  • Note: A short note about the Barren Cert.


This section displays a list of notes associated with the contract, with the Date, Author, and Note preview displayed. To add a new note, click the ‘Add Note’ button.