Stallion Bookings

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The Stallion Booking Scheduler allows you to manage the Bookings for Mares visiting your Stallions.

Main Selections


The main selections for the Bookings Scheduler appear above the Scheduler. It provides the ability to quickly change the view of the scheduler. The Main Selections include:

  • Stallion: DropDown selection to quickly switch between Stallions.
  • Date: The scheduler will display 7 days of slots starting with the selected date.
  • Today: A quick button to return the scheduler to a starting date of today's date.
  • Previous Week: A quick button to display the scheduler for the week prior to today's date.
  • Next Week: A quick button to display the scheduler for the week following the selected week.

There are several additional buttons providing further functionality:

  • Settings: The settings button opens a pop up providing the ability to change the visible number of slots and their default times on the Scheduler. By default 4 slots are displayed, you can reduce this to 3 or increase it to 5 slots.
  • Colour: The colour settings button allows you to change the display colour for Mare Names on the Scheduler for certain statuses (Maiden Mares, Covered Maiden Mares, Foaled Mares, Other Mares, Provisional).
  • Print: This will print the current scheduler display in 3,4 or 5 slots based on the Scheduler Settings.

Scheduler Grid

The Stallion Booking Scheduler Grid has a selectable Schedule View option to determine the view of the scheduler that the user is using. The user can choose from Weekly or Daily. The selected option is remembered in the account settings.

The Weekly View provides a 7 day view of all Bookings for the selected Stallion.

Stallion Booking Scheduler

Each day is represented by a column from left to right, with the 3, 4 or 5 slots and a Provisional slot listed down the screen.

When the Daily View is selected the Stallion selection is hidden as the daily view will display all the relevant stallions and their bookings in the scheduler for the selected date.

Stallion Booking Scheduler Daily View

The various buttons also change their functionality with the Previous Day & Next Day buttons only changing the date by a single day at a time.

The Daily View lists all the Stallions down the left hand column with the user selected number of slots listed along the top of the Scheduler Grid. The number of slots can be set using the Booking Settings, allowing 3, 4 or 5 slots to be displayed and used on the scheduler.

The default slot time is determined in the Stallion booking Settings. This will be the default time displayed in the Scheduler Grid headings for each slot. These defaults times will also be used when adding a booking to each of the slots (this time can be changed on each individual booking).

Booking a Slot

The main functionality of the scheduler is the same in both Weekly and Daily view, with the user clicking a slot to add/edit a booking. The mares that can be selected will be filtered to show only Mares visiting the Stallion for the clicked row in Daily View, or the stallion selected in the Weekly View. Each slot can be booked for a Mare that is registered to visit the selected Stallion in the current Season, i.e. the Mare's Breeding record for the current Season must have the selected Stallion selected as the Visiting Stallion. See Horse -> Breeding Details for more information. Alternatively, a slot can be booked/reserved without specifying a Mare and instead entering a note.

To book a slot to a Stallion, you click on the slot in the Scheduler. This will display the Stallion Booking popup which will be pre-filled with some default values, including: Stallion, Date, Time and Slot No.

Booking Slot

Booking Details

The Booking Details contain the main relevant information for the Stallion Booking. This includes:

  • Stallion: The Name of the Stallion the booking is to. (This cannot be modified)
  • Date: The Date of the booking. (This cannot be modified)
  • Time: The default time for the selected slot. This can be updated according to the requirements of the farm/yard on each booking.
  • Slot: The Slot for which the booking is being made. (This cannot be modified)
  • Mare: The Mare being booked to the Stallion. This will be selected using the magnifier button and will be selected from a filtered list of Mares that are currently visiting the Stallion, see Horse -> Breeding Details. If the Mare is undecided this can be left blank.
  • Note: A note can be entered giving further information about the booking or indicating details for reserving the slot. The Note should be filled in when not choosing a Mare from the system.

Contact Information

The Contact Information contains the main contact information for the Mare. This includes:

  • Contact: The Name of the Contact for the Mare.
  • Phone: The Phone number for the Contact.

If a Mare has been selected from the System, then the Primary Owner Name and Phone Number will be automatically filled in here, this can be modified afterwards. If no mare is selected then you can fill this information in manually.

Contract Details

The Contract Details contains the details of the Mares Contract to the Stallion. This includes:

  • Type: The Type of the Contract.
  • Status: The Status of the Contract.

See Stallion Contracts -> Contract Details for further information.

Mares can be moved from one slot to another by dragging and dropping their current slot to another vacant slot. Mare slots can be moved to any other slot in the Scheduler under the same Stallion, as well as into the Provisional List. To change a Mare's booking to a different Stallion you must delete the current booking and change to the new Stallion to add a new booking.

Provisional Bookings

Mares can be booked as Provisional bookings using the Provisional Slot for each day. This provides a list of Provisionally booked Mares should a slot become available for the same day.

Provisional Bookings

Up to 7 Mares can be added to the Provisional list with the Mares listed in Alphabetical order. In order to move a Mare from the Provisional slot to a live Slot you can edit the Provisional Booking for that Mare, by clicking the Edit button in the Provisional Bookings Grid. To remove a Mare from the Provisional list you click the Delete button in the Provisional Bookings Grid.


Slot Settings

The Booking Scheduler can be modified to display 3,4 or 5 slots. This is done by clicking the 'Settings' button.

Slot Settings

Here you can update the default time for each slot. This time will be allocated for each booking made for the corresponding slot.

Colour Settings

The Mare name colours on the Booking Scheduler can be modified based on a set type of Mare (Maiden Mares, Covered Maiden Mares, Foaled Mares, Other Mares, Provisional).

Mare Name Colour

Here you can update the colour to be displayed by clicking the colour block button and selecting a different colour. Any saved changes will be instantly reflected in the Scheduler and Report.

Print Report

When printing the Booking Scheduler the print option will default to the currently selected Scheduler View. In Weekly view the report will default to the selected Stallion, you can change this on the popup just prior to printing.

The printed report will reflect the current view of the Booking Scheduler, i.e. displaying the same number of slots for the 7 days.

Booking Scheduler Weekly Report

When in Daily View, the printed report will replicate the current Daily View on screen. All relevant Stallions and their Bookings will be printed in a grid format for the selected day.

Booking Scheduler Daily Report